If you travel through time it’s always the best of times and the worst of times; it’s just the ratio
What I lack in hygiene I make up for in sleep hygiene
In the analog it was enough to consider the source Now, in the digital you must consider the source code:
You can strive for quality and never know if you will get any… You can pursue recognition and never know if you’ve done any… Or you can pretend to do both
When people say I live on my phone I wonder how they withstand the pr… Of eight tons per square inch
Who says ye cannae change the laws… Where before Every action had An equal and opposite reaction Now every reaction
The liberal who makes an illiberal… inevitably wants to have it both w… thereby tightening his own double… I must be free to have power over… but
When they start to call you clear-eyed it just means you’re a cynic whose time has come
My psychic told me I needed to ta… I said I already knew that I came here to look before I leap
In a real life version of the ugly duckling discovering h… I was the reject popsicle stick who at long last found out I was a handy tongue depressor
To break up with your significant other just say I need space To break it off
Pressure is wanting it for someone else Passion is wanting it
If life is the in-breath and death the out-breath we presume that by ridding ourselves of death we’ll live an infinite in-breath
There’s always an excuse So, there’s never an excuse For running out of excuses
When space is finite we need to share which is colloquially known as using the Force When cyberspace is infinite