The truth is always at a disadvant… because while you can harness truth in service of a lie you can’t tell lies
We used to be able to talk to each… About the world Because we could always say Present company excluded But now that every screen
A heart can only beat in synch with another A broken heart still beats because God keeps the time– just as He keeps us–
When I said That’s none of your business they replied Actually, that’s our entire busine…
When I ask What’s wrong? It’s always short for What’s wrong with me?
The difference between dreams and… Waking life is a recurring dream That fulfills your most urgent wis… For another chance So, if you’ve been given another c…
People thought they could finally come and go as they pleased if they could just be rid of the g… only to find in their absence not just more and bigger gates
I don’t know what being alone with your thoughts is like for you but for me it’s like I’m watching them
The first step in bearing the trut… is telling it This will make you unbearable, starting the next step of banishme… Form there, it is up to you
Now that everything is at last Out in the open People shut their eyes Not to escape the truth But to hide from their own blindne…
The far left puts the silent and invisible H in tolerate Guess where? There’s a clue
The only ones Who antisemites hate more than Je… Are Jews who defend themselves There is a name For their belief system:
“A voice called out in the wildern… Clearing the way of the Lord Straightening a road in the desert For our God” Listen closely–
Which came first The morals Or the justification Hint: The #1 excuse
Modern research methods have detec… that there’s no such thing as a ba… leaving scientists puzzled as to w… the whole bunch is still spoiled