I was always being reassured that I was in the circle of trust but kept in the dark as to my place in it
All fiction Is serious fiction Because all fiction Is life and death Everything on the internet
If we know our physics is real Because GPS works Then we know our God is real Because language works
Questions are the an– swer to everything; now, how can I assist you
Here’s the deal: You have no say in any of this but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have your way if you learn to see things our way
We all need to belong somewhere So, we formed online communities And found ourselves belonging nowh… Where once A multitude of One
Tom Brady keeps a portrait of him… that is becoming progressively more likable
In the new version of Heads I win, tails you lose People hate to be wrong But love to apologize And if you accept their apology
The pursuit of fame is the human equivalent of a dog chasing its own tail
The wrong crowd used to let things get out of control Now the wrong crowd has the best
Living during COVID-19 Was like trying to eat A bag of individually wrapped M&M…
What is the point of consciousness… Consciousness enables volitional m… liberating the will through purpos… What is language for? Language infuses purposeful action…
I know the world is round from experience: I ran from the truth for so long that I ran smack into it
Marriage is the only place I’m neither feature nor bug but both
When you have to share everything else you can still hog the blame pie