Life = Trial by fire Death = Trial by firing squad
Before I met you the happiest I’d ever been was when everything I’d ever wante… was on lay-away because I didn’t have to make any…
Our civilization has gotten around God’s injunction to be our brother… by being our little brother’s book…
You seem to have caught me in a gr… But it can’t be at all my fault if As you’ll see in the hieroglyph My back is to the cliff Over which the lemmings drift
Quick Draw McGraw taught us that in the wild wild west it’s better… shoot first and ask questions late… But Quick Bluff McGruff the Cyb… knows that on the World Wide Web…
My life used to be An open book Now it’s an open state secret
Our bodies are exactly as strong as gravity’s resistance makes them… in recognition of mortality we symbolize this through the know… that gravity is the weakest
I respond to A nail in my tire Like it’s the last nail In my coffin
The mean streets of easy street Lack any meaning– To get there, try going crazy But everybody knows You’d be crazy to try
At bottom freedom consists of the possibility that you are wrong
After years of therapy the stump came to see that there was an I, two even, in the giving tree
Trump’s genius is his nothingness which allows him to be everything e.g., He’s America’s inside joke (American democracy was a joke lon…
Asked to account for his success w… he explained that he drives his ca… like he won it on The Price Is R…
The love was exactly as strong as… So, if I could keep the peace I could keep the love Somehow, someway, I found peace And to them this meant war
Human cloning only started to take… Once it became clear that The original becomes a copy of the…