God is infinitely demanding (MC… Because (=) God is infinitely rewarding (E)
I was the first ever lobster discovered in the wild with a rubber band around my claw clamping it shut
Having given up On heaven No one Recognizes hell
You’ll know you’re talking to God When He doesn’t talk back Yet you still have your answer
I may look like a tall glass of water but be– ware, I’m half empty
Finding God is like that feeling… When you look everywhere for your… But can’t find them anywhere Until you realize they are on your… They don’t have a word for this fe…
No one ever told the truth but not a one of us were liars because we always spoke exclusivel… in the future tense
How do I love me? Let me count t… I love me to the depths of my stom… and when in line in front of a lum… I’ll take the last fried rice in t… I love me to the level of Wall St…
We are hard wired for cooperation to better compete Marxism fails because it enacts a competition
The devil used to be a buyer of so… But now he’s a seller To the Big Five tech companies Because the money is just too good How does the devil sell
Sex is like The world’s most powerful wild ani… And we are to ride it Since it is the only force strong… For the building and maintenance o…
Everybody worships something But that something is amiss Hero worship is one thing But heroin’s an abyss Invisible from the One Ring
I like positive reinforcement As much as the next guy And the next guy Gets a lot of likes So, it’s back to the grindstone
You may or may not realize it yet But you’re in the army If you do You’ve got your marching orders; It’s up to you to follow them
He may have gotten away with mass… But at least we didn’t let him Get away with murder