The moment of truth has come and g… Leaving us with the whole truth: The best and worst is yet to come When there will be nothing but the… And you will only know the best fr…
Abiding means to wait expectantly, defiantly, or submiss… and I typically manage all three in the grocery store checkout line even in the express lane
The B is silent in subtle but spo… B-cause a B-ing B-comes human by saying the quiet… The B-all and end-all Is the B-ginning and the end
In wristwatch advertisements the doomsday clock is always set to ten past ten
I hope to live several decades more making it odd to know so very well what they’ll put
You don’t have to have children To help raise the children And you can have children Without working at it Raising children
A rising tide lifts all boats But a rising sea floods all moats
People are the opposite of baked potatoes– If you keep poking holes in their theories they will explode
You’ll know it’s the Fountain of… when you dive in to get it over wi… endure the shock, but then you never get used to it
At night in the city you can only see three stars but you still have to give them five stars
The New Revised Standard Version… A frenemy of yours is a frenemy of… whereas the New King James Versi… The frenemy of my frenemy is my fr…
The lamppost is an outpost Where it’s safe to admit That between you, me, and the lamp… Self-knowledge is over-rated Self-deception is automated
We are hard wired for cooperation to better compete Marxism fails because it enacts a competition
The less you need to control the more powerful you
Seeing as I’m just the messenger It would be easier to tell you Than to show you Because words are all I’ve got But since, if I told you