Until the company’s weekend retrea… I didn’t know that my leadership s… was like never having braces but still wearing a retainer
The love was exactly as strong as… So, if I could keep the peace I could keep the love Somehow, someway, I found peace And to them this meant war
God will accept everything about you but the one thing He won’t take is the blame
According to experts There are only seven basic plots Limited to the believable There are no experts on the truth Because the truth
In showing us what darkness looks… fog is equal and opposite to stars lighting up the night sky
It takes billions of years for the… of stars to reach us on earth but for the light its passage is instantaneous Our current relationship with God
History won’t begin when we elimin… hoping that now everyone will get… Because step 1 in ending status i… and step 2 turns out to be elimina… This simulacrum that we live in ai…
You know you must die and yet you must live You can never know if you’re right and yet you must choose So it’s not
The devolution to a permanent ruling class of the progressive educated elite will not be televised Because the elite cut their cords
In boxing you can be the real champ by beating the man who beat the man Just so
Our brains are just big enough to operate eight fingers and two thumbs An octopus is smart but if it also had
We’ve been traveling down a street… Post-enlightenment Secular Materi… And the thing about a dead-end str… Is that it seems like any other st… Until you come to the dead end
We ask people How are you doing? because it’s the easiest way to prevent them from actually telling us how they are doing
They can kick you out and send you to Siberia but they can’t kick God out of Siberia
Life is short because God knows to leave us wanting more