Thanks to QR codes you can sign-in without your signature much as for some time now your phone has enabled you
Learning how to walk is learning how to fall forward while remembering to catch yoursel… again and again Walking is the illusion
Higher education purports to prepare you for life when really it exists to indebt you for life, expanding campus ideology
If you travel through time it’s always the best of times and the worst of times; it’s just the ratio
When I was standing in the shallow end I really believed I was all in only later coming to realize
Only a poet Can accurately describe anything More accurately A poet can describe anything Except himself
The worst part about giving every kid in little league a trophy is the way it has emptied all the… out of acquiring
The crucial moment in my elevator pitch comes when I hit the emergency stop button
The Kantian ethic of treating oth… never really took off largely because Immanuel overlooke… rather obvious catchy slogan: Love squanders all
I still believe that anything is possible It’s just that now nothing would surprise me
The question isn’t Are you doing this the right way? Because there’s no right or wrong… To do the right thing The question is
During the rodeo clown shortage nobody thought that the rodeo mime… but the mimes surprised everyone distracting the bulls by silently evoking the dignity
Before the culture war you could talk to someone anyone say what you think and, when necessary, append a
And then it hit me: My lone flaw is not admitt– ing to any flaws
Easy to please but problematic to appease