Nature codes us for the road Man decodes and lo, a crossroads Where God goads
No shoes, no shirt, no service Just say no Do not pass go, do not collect $20… Don’t call us, we’ll call you No pain, no gain
The most useful pawn is the one who believes himself king
When I filter my selfie it becomes a safie
We hit it off: she’d declawed her cats and I’d plucked my cacti’s needles
Antisemitism is suddenly easy to f… It’s a mile wide and just scratch the surface an inch deep– You’ll find it there
People understand that their socia… depends on their phone but they wrongly believe that the existential question at h… is the familiar
When I was a kid the rule was one kid got to pour two glasses of Coke and the other kid
When a woman chooses her mate His first real test Is whether he accepts her dare To propose If he does, we already know her an…
Al Gore didn’t invent the internet He created a device for the reinforcement of irrational thoughts and behaviors
What I lack in subtlety I make up for in volume
The revolution will be permanent When nobody means what they say But everybody memes what they say
An army marches on its stomach but it convoys on its internal combustion engine Still, the way to
I used to pretend that Kafka’s The Trial was my favorite book but these days I bring a courtroom stenographer with me
Blood is thicker than water Unless it’s blood From a turnip