Exhausted by the pendulum swings b… feeling overwhelmed and disappoint… we’ve taken elements from Too much, too soon and
In order to survive, the out-group must make a constant study of the in-gr… and adapt to its evolving aggressi… The latest lesson is that,
Inevitably my spirit vegetable was rutabaga
It’s easy to choose between good and bad So, when there are no good choices most people take the easy way out
A wedding ring is a mood ring that never changes color reminding us that a husband should always feel
When I was a child The most authoritarian teacher Exerted her control through Silent lunch Yesterday, in the cafeteria
As a start Put your mouth where your money is… This is called telling the truth But, of course Telling the truth
What’s the difference between wind… When what you desire is behind gla… And Windows shopping When what you desire is behind a s… When it’s behind glass
You know you must die and yet you must live You can never know if you’re right and yet you must choose So it’s not
In the new version of Heads I win, tails you lose People hate to be wrong But love to apologize And if you accept their apology
I was born in the summer of my 47th year coming home to a place my mazel’d ever been before
While I was waiting for them to come to their senses they came to my house
If you made a Venn Diagram of my office and a coal mine the only thing you’d put where the… is the canary we keep by the copie… If the canary is dead
Philosophers dream of “The view from nowhere” Granting pure objectivity Instead, we got the internet’s View from everywhere
I believe in the great man theory of history because the good man theory of history is so obviously false