I was painting by the numbers But mysteriously One number kept coming up So, I spent the remainder of my y… Working on a series of one paintin…
I was happy alone Because being together Meant being lonely Until you showed me That being together
There’s no time like the present as we now reside outside of time inside a stalled clockworks as useless cogs in the rundown machine
In the confession booth I have a confession to make so that I can receive forgiveness In the show trial I have a confession to make up
I have an idea: I have no idea
Originally it was about Michael Bike and called Bike Rider
My soul is the sole part of me My body makes me one of us My mind is made up Of body and soul– So, just like you, I am
Liberalism deepened by religion Religion widened by liberalism Until the body and soul politic Is so deep That it swallows our fears
I’m not scared of the explicit danger I’m afraid of the implicit threats
Life is a movie in which childhood is a sequel to your pare… adulthood is a prequel for your ch… and making it to old age is living in a spin-off
Social media is proof of concept That you can please Some of the people all of the time And this starts to feel mighty pow… But this feeling is a forgetting
It never snows anymore in Baltimore but it did before you left open the refrigerator doo…
The universe is a kinetic watch so time only keeps going if we’re on the move making Zeno’s paradox of motion just a way of reassuring ourselves
While loved ones may or may not have the chance to say goodbye to the
When I risk loss for those who are lost only then shall we both be found