Jessey caught the measels Joey caught the mumps Jane came down with the flu And jacks been in a slump The teacher has gone missing
If you cant reach out to someone because a someones what you lack reach out to yourself because you’ll always have your ba…
I asked jane if I could kiss her But she said she suffered from a t… I asked Brooke out lots But her stomachs always in knots And with Claire I’ve always tried
I’m the worlds best detective But not a lot of people know I’ve solved earths greatest myster… Like why summers hot and winter co… Summers hot because there’s so muc…
I just witnessed a crime what do… Do I tell the cops what I had to… But I’m afraid if I do I’ll get… Since one had looked at me Oh well here it goes
It’s been a week Since I left my house The snows blocked me in And I can’t get out It’s really a bother
I climbed up a tree once Just to look out I sat and I watched As a bird flew about I looked down to notice
I gathered up my feelings and put them in a box I hid it in my attic and sealed it with a lock since then my girl left me
Life’s like a puzzle With pieces thrown all about You have to put it together Until the pieces run all out Sometimes it’s finished
I always tuck my tongues Down into my socks I wouldn’t want them to scrape the… And have to taste the rocks I look out for my shoes
The things I must do Oh the things I must do I must polish the dishes And wash my shoes The things I must do
Hey so umm yeah uh well you Umm see uh I was uh starting to w… Um well uh if you well maybe possi… Had a phone number…
If I don’t tip my hat When you walk by Don’t take me as being rude I’m a real nice guy please I swea… Don’t take me as a prude
Today I wore my bikini out To every single store I got so much attention You couldn’t ask for more But I was a little upset
You could get hit by lightning Or run over by a rock Theres so many ways one could go Its rather quite a shock You could get sucked into a vortex