You can’t make art worth dying for with what art is worth paying for
A human has being so, we call ourselves human beings God has meaning so, we call Him
In the New Age everybody knows that everything happens for a reason but nobody knows the reason so, everybody pastes together
When a woman chooses her mate His first real test Is whether he accepts her dare To propose If he does, we already know her an…
A wedding ring is a mood ring that never changes color reminding us that a husband should always feel
In the analog it was enough to consider the source Now, in the digital you must consider the source code:
1. Make so much money you could he… 2. Remind yourself that “there’s n… 3. Tell yourself you need to feed… 4. Eat like kings
One interpretation holds that the… And the Tree of Knowledge of Goo… Are one and the same tree Which makes sense to me Since when Adam and Eve decided t…
The only reason to pursue fame is to forestall the possibility that you’re the kind of person who would die wishing you’d been more famous
God’s door is always open Because God’s door is Our open wounds
Ignorance is bliss but playing dumb hollows out the abyss
The world is a cast of characters Social media is a caste of caricatures
Paradoxically To approach perfection You need to make Really big mistakes Ironically
One wonders how they arrived at the 140 character limit per Twe… Did they consult the Kabbalah the average length of haiku or the heart rate of the hummingbi…
I never expected It wasn’t forever Because that’s how long it would t… To explore the infinite So, if I’ve changed