Higher education purports to prepare you for life when really it exists to indebt you for life, expanding campus ideology
Ever since I got my first smartphone it feels like I’m visiting a museum and all the decent human beings
The two-week lockdown To bend the curve Turned into a year-and-a-half That bent our minds When
Everybody knows that the media is a weapon of mass distraction Social media takes the next logica… as a weapon of mass refraction that distorts our vision beyond re…
Unsatisfied with natural consequen… human beings concocted perverse in… which is to say where once we were mere mortals now we are self-defeating
Part 1- Who am I? A missing person Where’s my place? It’s where I must stay
With God as my witness I can look and then see With man as my witness I can’t see, but I can touch With AI as my witness
History won’t begin when we elimin… hoping that now everyone will get… Because step 1 in ending status i… and step 2 turns out to be elimina… This simulacrum that we live in ai…
Don’t talk to strangers; Sing with them
I always wondered why there are several teen archetypes on offer in The Breakfast Club– each with their own exquisite agon… but also the promise of redemption…
The critique of pure reason should have been that rational thought is impossible unless paired effectively with fee… As AI reaches escape velocity
All words are defined by other words except for God’s rule
We’ll know we’ve seen the Enlight… When we don’t know who we are From one moment to the next Because, where once The One thing we wanted
Physically unscathed after a life of piracy he was forced to lean heavily on his emotional scarring
One of the great rabbinic sages ex… That this world’s three most inten… Are Jews, dogs, and roosters My take? No one greets the day like a roost…