You have to do the right thing aut… At the same time you are doing it… This seems impossible because No one has ever quite done it Which is why you might call it
I don’t have a TV because I would watch it Instead, I watch my mouth
During the rodeo clown shortage nobody thought that the rodeo mime… but the mimes surprised everyone distracting the bulls by silently evoking the dignity
It’s always darkest before the yawn
I’d always said Que sera, sera expecting the last guffaw Instead it’s a last hurrah before one or the other coups d’et…
They say You can run but you can’t hide Which is why the One Ring With its power of invisibility Is so seductive
It’s the odd couple that isn’t always trying to even the score
Like the distended sleeve On the fake Gordon Gartrell Denise made for Theo A giraffe’s long neck Reveals it as
Individual psychology is formed by… to lead the group into competition and it is only through the struggle between groups that the individual experiences
In the contest for your soul The devil has to play by God’s ru… You can’t ever get what you want Because you always become what you…
You are a rope which The devil has tied up in knots Only God can help you Untie the knots When you unfurl
We treat life as if Postponing the inevitable When we should be busy Preparing for the inestimable
I was happy alone Because being together Meant being lonely Until you showed me That being together
Nietzsche was right– “Life itself is will to power” But so was Plato– “The measure of a man is what he d… As was Lord Acton–
The only thing Bigger than my ego Is God’s plan for me