In real life we used to say I’ll see your talk and raise you action but that was just too risky Preferring no stakes
With all other things human beings must guard against what is too good to be true in order to stay alive With God
In this age of relentless people p… the merest exercise of reason is always a form of treason
God’s hand Is a fist Until the moment You come to fear God
We’re told “Never give way on your desire!” even as we learn that “Desire is always the desire of th… Suffice to say,
God will accept everything about you but the one thing He won’t take is the blame
On business trips to Moscow I never wear my three piece suit
If nothing is possible Because of the inevitable– We mortals all die in the end– Then we are left to do the impossi… And become immortal by
As an individual human being I could never really know who you think I am so, I had to imagine it But as a networked cyborg
Guilt is intolerable which is why “I can explain everything” is processed into “I have a theory which explains ev…
The United States’ motto is still In God We Trust but everyone knows that’s come to mean Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
My wife is philosophically opposed to my habit of justifying things, say a bag of the really good kind… with the phrase: I deserve it
But you will always get a second chance to make a false impression
The blood-brain barrier is semiper… Because your heart pumps out love By the truckload
In the cold war the gravest danger was recklessnes… which we solved with Mutually Assured Destruction The culture war