We all know that one word or phras… Can mean two different things But we forget that one thing Can mean two different words or ph… To wit
If I’ve said it once they’ve liked it a thousand times
There’s always been a method to our madness Its latest name is the scientific method The madness is believing in
The lion hasn’t lain down with the lamb if, in its slumber the lion dreams it’s a lamb
A heart can only beat in synch with another A broken heart still beats because God keeps the time– just as He keeps us–
If you count the rings on a tree stump it will tell you the cost of doing business
Life as we know it Is a competition for status In this competition Socialists are unequaled As are you and I
A sliver of moon follows us home in the car How nice to be fooled
Just when you think You’ve seen it all It all falls apart So, you put it back together again Thinking this time it’s forever
In comic books Superheroes assume a secret identi… In order to fool others So they can continue to serve othe… In real life
I could do a passable moonwalk in socks on linoleum but if I put on one glove I had to take off one sock
If I say yes That’s just a guess If I say no Then I don’t know If I say maybe
Just as the yin-yang symbol portrays both dominant sections with a small portion of the opposi… lack sows an abundance of desire and abundance lacks lack
In the past walking into a cathedral made you feel small Now it makes you feel fat
It’s hard to quantify change We keep running our equations Adding and subtracting everything… From everything we know about God And the numbers don’t add up–