There is one reason And one reason alone That God won’t ever give up on yo… You are His job And God loves His job
When postmodern nihilism governs w… Western elites govern by playing i… Because nothing is worth the risk
Even when I’ve had sweet dreams Sleeping leaves a bad taste in my… Because even good dreams are bad d… Since the worst thing you can do t… Is to fulfill his wishes
In the past walking into a cathedral made you feel small Now it makes you feel fat
In the latest version of Captain… Captain America’s archenemy is Captain Obvious for all the obvious reasons
Nothing is esoteric The mystical is the every-day There are no secrets But there is a lot of denial
Life is simple; the meaning of life is complicated As a man I’m a simple creature but I’ve been married long enough… that women are complicated
X marks the spot where cyborgs will receive their o– ver-the-air updates
We believe that God is being because it’s our only way to access God as meaning
Living during COVID-19 Was like trying to eat A bag of individually wrapped M&M…
People thought they could finally come and go as they pleased if they could just be rid of the g… only to find in their absence not just more and bigger gates
A man without an enemy is like a vampire with a reflection
Because there is no I in lions, if a lion could talk, it couldn’t say I Which is to say, a lion can starve but never lacks,
We rent an apartment so my wife told me that technicall… I am the interim king of my own ca…
People have long complained of working in silos so it’s been amazing to see them embrace putting in all of their emotional…