I’ve reached the age where getting ready for bed is like preparing for a spacewalk
I will gladly suffer fools for love
When I risk loss for those who are lost only then shall we both be found
The word of God is written in invisible ink and must be lived in order to be truly seen unless and until those lives are d…
You can tell the difference Between those who are interested i… And those who are interested in se… By noticing those Who pay lip service to service
I’ve done the math and the whole is only greater than the sum of its parts when the group is made up of individuals
We’re always free to serve ourselves– Liberation is the process of freely choosing to serve others
Mistakes are inev– itable; owning them is inestimable
I’m sad to say I’ve never been happier And I’m happy to say I’ve never been sadder All of which is to say
You’ve met your femme fa– tale when you can’t stop wishful thinking about her
God’s relationship with us Is on a need-to-know basis: Whatever we need to know He will tell us– In fact, He already has
Even when religion is about the symbolic it must guard against fundamentalism But when religion
When we say something is infinite Say, the universe What we really mean Is that it is unfinished
When people ask me How are you doing? I tell them That’s above my pay grade
People don’t have beliefs, they ha… beliefs are just how we relate to… More simply: I am a relationship to desire