Higher education purports to prepare you for life when really it exists to indebt you for life, expanding campus ideology
Because we know we must die and that survival depends on belonging we all live in fear
You can never be happy with what you have; on– ly with what you lack
You must go on. I can’t go on. I’ll ramble on.
Actually, we all died in the pande… Life– I can’t afford not to Pandemic life– I can’t afford to… The afterlife– I can’t afford not…
We’re all like unharvested potatoe… covered in dirt thinking that means we’ve got the dirt on each other
By keeping us on screen text messages, direct messages, et… are always mixed messages of the Trust, but verify
A desire Needn’t ever be fulfilled Because in desire I have all That I will ever need
The genius of Big Tech’s business… is its simplicity: Get people to pay for what they had previously accessed for free
Instead of a Che Guevara t-shirt I have a Carol Burnett henley
The mean streets of easy street Lack any meaning– To get there, try going crazy But everybody knows You’d be crazy to try
The central paradox of our broken world is known through the feeling of unsurprised disappointment Hope is the belief
The truth staring us in the face Is always our own reflection– Seeing ourselves backwards Providing just enough distance For us to acknowledge the truth
God took the risk and made human beings to add meaning to His creation God gambled everything because this could mean anything
You have your Mr. Fix-It and your Mr. Learn-To-Live-With-It