When postmodern nihilism governs w… Western elites govern by playing i… Because nothing is worth the risk
Just because they’re coming to get you doesn’t mean you’re not paranoid
My wife fixed me with a stare that said Really, what haven’t you done for…
The sixth extinction was hardest of all on the balloon animal artists
I was painting by the numbers But mysteriously One number kept coming up So, I spent the remainder of my y… Working on a series of one paintin…
God already knows Where this is all going But it’s up to all of us How we get there
The less you need to control the more powerful you
Descartes wanted certainty He got it Now we’re stuck with it Uncertain how we get unstuck Does this mean we’re doomed or sav…
When people give you the silent treatment have them put it in writing
All of the lakes are great But one of the lakes is superior
A meaning than which nothing greater can be conceived must exist; it’s up to each of us to find it
Forecasting the rain in Spain is mainly done in vain
Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all big stuff.
Every writer has mistaken his shotgun for a rifle– He may hit where he aims but he will also surely miss In discharging his will to power
Lao Tse said of the Tao that “You can use it any way you want” Jacques Lacan further insisted th… you should only use it the way you… when he said