It’s when all the signs say Everything must go
If a tree falls in the forest and your husband is there does it make a sound
We’re all like unharvested potatoe… covered in dirt thinking that means we’ve got the dirt on each other
In the act of creating new life men presage their relationship with death
China’s zero-covid policy zeroes in on ideology in order to zero out reality Americans, too, have a zero percen… making justice a total zero
The mean streets of easy street Lack any meaning– To get there, try going crazy But everybody knows You’d be crazy to try
Time flies when you’re having fun And the key to fun is wanting Not having
Instead of the invisible hand bending self-interest towards the collective good we got the risible glad-hand laughing our selfishness off
Smile and the whole world smiles with yo… Laugh and the whole world smiles with yo… Cry
When the doyennes of progressive a… “From the river to the sea is an a… human rights, and peaceful coexist… Bernard-Henri Levy helpfully tran… “‘From the river to the sea’, whic…
A being becomes human when you add meaning
“A quantum state is not an element… instead, it represents the degrees… about the possible outcomes of mea… Just so: A mental state is not an element o…
The internet is based on sensual p… Minus three or four of the senses And one or two dimensions of space…
The unconscious is to repression as The algorithms are to redaction
The day I found out I was as deep as a basket of botto… was the same day I learned that the problem with fishing for compl… is that you can’t throw them back