Feminism’s big mistake is thinking it can use a power vac… to clean up the patriarchy’s mess
Where once the Imaginary, the Sym… formed three sides of the same coi… now there is but one side to every… as the Imaginary is displaced by t… the Symbolic is scrambled in servi…
The biggest shock of Judgment Day Was that they don’t give out grade… Just comments Which, of course, is worse Mine said:
At the risk of defeating myself I’ll say it in vain: Love and aggression are sutured by pain making war and peace
Never trust anyone who doesn’t believe in hell They’re almost always the ones whose idea of heaven is usurping God
In the cold war the gravest danger was recklessnes… which we solved with Mutually Assured Destruction The culture war
In my culture low hanging fruit is considered a delicacy
The high strung flaneur gives free advice to the good and good advice to the free
My wife and I have remained happi… because she recognizes me as capta… as long as I acknowledge her as air traffic control
Art is where the Symbolic meets the Real forming a liminal space between meaning and its absence AI-generated art is where the Unr…
In the contest for your soul The devil has to play by God’s ru… You can’t ever get what you want Because you always become what you…
A meaning than which nothing greater can be conceived must exist; it’s up to each of us to find it
In his weekend forays for psilocyb… he had always been wary of poisono… but he never accounted for the con… that did him in in the end
At bottom God is a brute fact and Satan a brutal fact
When all politics were still local to exert power you were required to go where the people were gather… In cyberspace all politics are nod… and to exert power you require the…