As an individual human being I could never really know who you think I am so, I had to imagine it But as a networked cyborg
In this earthly abode ‘Twas sadness that flowed With each new download Of binary code To ease our workload
My dissertation defense fell apart even as I read my title– The Bronze Age: A Golden Age of…
There is no theory of quantum grav… Because– Einstein notwithstanding– No one understands gravity There is no theory of God
2/3 of the Earth Is covered by water So, most of the underground Is under water Accordingly, in dreams
Wittgenstein began by telling us t… Face the facts But the fact is A cold, hard bottle In the form of our addiction to
I know what I want But do I want everyone else To know what I want That is the question
You can’t watch sports these days… Father Time is undefeated Which is when I always quote Saul… “Vait a minute. Vat about Rocky…
War gave way Not to peace But to endless meetings
In the first half of life I tried it your way and succeeded which is how I got over you In the second half of life I did it my way and failed
According to Exxon Mobil absolute solar power corrupts absolutely
My greatest fear is losing control but I’m not in control I have an eternal soul but I’m afraid to die I’m scared of making mistakes
How do I love me? Let me count t… I love me to the depths of my stom… and when in line in front of a lum… I’ll take the last fried rice in t… I love me to the level of Wall St…
All the advanced metrics say that A bird in the hand Is worth two in the bush But the burning bush advances the… That we are consumed by jealously…
If we rest on Shabbos Then sleep alone isn’t rest– It is To borrow a phrase from Freud The dream work