It’s when all the signs say Everything must go
Yes, humans suck– that’s a universal The reason we haven’t been able to fix it is that being a human doesn’t suck for eve…
There is no theory of quantum grav… Because– Einstein notwithstanding– No one understands gravity There is no theory of God
In the 2020 reboot Bugs Bunny’s persona has shifted from invulnerable trickster to pseudo-empathic scold
The human capacity for love is perfectly equaled by the human capacity for aggression The chances that these two traits would have been selected for
Reason is a gift from God But it is not the path to God There is a reason for this: God’s love for you is unreasonable
In the contest for your soul The devil has to play by God’s ru… You can’t ever get what you want Because you always become what you…
The reason every man has his price is because he always fails to real… 1. that he can never get what he w… 2. this makes his desire priceless
If I say yes That’s just a guess If I say no Then I don’t know If I say maybe
The opposite of modest isn’t immodest, it’s honest The opposite of immodest is confident
Just because they’re coming to get you doesn’t mean you’re not paranoid
It takes billions of years for the… of stars to reach us on earth but for the light its passage is instantaneous Our current relationship with God
It’s not a real collection Unless It’s unsatisfying It’s not real money Until
It was an offer I thought I couldn’t refuse: You can sit there and take it Or leave it Having nowhere to go
I’m neither handy nor a dandy but my wife still finds me handy d…