There is hiding yourself and there is hiding from yourself; the former is often
I can’t just let go of my past I have to lose a tug of war and get third degree rope burns
This ain’t culture war– it’s one cult in action with two rival factions
All of reality is a temptation To believe in yourself But if you do You’ll never get it– Self-confidence is always lacking
There are only two real superpowers: unacknowledged plagiarism and begrudging cooperation
The most common form of fooling ourselves isn’t thinking we’ve got everyone fooled… It’s denial that we’ve fooled anyo…
If you leave well enough alone for long enough you’ll have enough to make you cry
I’m not a Buddhist but I understand that the bodhisat… doesn’t enact his escape from suff… exiting the cycle of birth, old ag… but through the determination to r…
Every writer has mistaken his shotgun for a rifle– He may hit where he aims but he will also surely miss In discharging his will to power
Art is where the Symbolic meets the Real forming a liminal space between meaning and its absence AI-generated art is where the Unr…
The world to come is like a signature look that’s always a new look
The devil is in the details And God is in my feelings Here are the details on my feeling… I feel like The devil is just here to force th…
You could say I tried stand-up but for the audience it was more like when the flight attendant demonstrates how to put on your own oxygen mask…
As long as I’m working I only feel free time slipping away The fear is that if I stopped working
At the risk of defeating myself I’ll say it in vain: Love and aggression are sutured by pain making war and peace