Some people have baggage; I come with furniture Fortunately, my wife enjoys rearranging
Every night when I go to sleep my dreams fulfill my dearest wishe… so that I can make it through anot… But the metaverse is a dreamscape where your avatar is only allowed…
Love is never generic– It is always specific to our genet… And in the giving we are both gene… And generative as we make the worl… Also making us generals, taking ch…
Antizionism feels powerful Because it claims the authority Of giving permission to hate But the feeling is soon vanquished Requiring another hit of hate
Even when I’ve had sweet dreams Sleeping leaves a bad taste in my… Because even good dreams are bad d… Since the worst thing you can do t… Is to fulfill his wishes
Old habits are hard to break but impossible to make New habits, like flossing, are easy to make
The most surprising aspect of the… though perhaps it shouldn’t have b… was the amount of paperwork it gen…
I’ve done the math: In regards to #1 #1a is sadly mistaken
God is the world’s only super-bower
Now you only get to choose which hill you’re going to comply on
I don’t get mad I get odd
It could be the truth if it couldn’t go viral But it’s definitely pravda if it speeds our downward spiral
The remarkable thing about life is how time consuming it is
Yes, humans suck– that’s a universal The reason we haven’t been able to fix it is that being a human doesn’t suck for eve…
In the end no one could be held accountable for the catastrophe not because there weren’t plenty of warning signs