My mid-life crisis is the fear that my tombstone epit… Like chicken, he went with everyth…
Yes follow the money but only because the money follows the pleasure
The decisive moment at the gates o… is exactly like the denouement in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? but with one twist To make you feel the pressure
You can’t learn to write because nobody knows quite how to… You can’t learn to network because everybody is already netwo… So when you pay tuition for a writ…
This is the stage in history where we all give constructive cri… to the demolition crew
Life isn’t fair But we are all equals In the struggle To stay out of judging others For failing at their struggles–
You’ll know you’ve weathered their gaslighting if you feel dazed but not confused
If I live forty more years I figure my life will pay for itself
You have your Mr. Fix-It and your Mr. Learn-To-Live-With-It
It all clicked for me when I realized that Hebrew School Is a party school
On business trips to Moscow I never wear my three piece suit
Woe betide the man who accepts an apology
One thing I could do Was need control
Don’t think of a pink elephant and while you’re at it Don’t kill the messenger
Augmented reality works through addition by subtraction where we’ve lost contact with real… but gained a sun