If we’re being scientific, then The more certain you are that quan… The less certain you become as to… i.e., It works like a charm And if we’re being honest, when
My mid-life crisis is the fear that my tombstone epit… Like chicken, he went with everyth…
My favorite tennis player of all time is the Frenchman Guy Forget because man always forgets
I used to stand on the moral high ground to look myself in the eye but now that I’ve plucked it out and thrown it away
When I said That’s none of your business they replied Actually, that’s our entire busine…
1. Make so much money you could he… 2. Remind yourself that “there’s n… 3. Tell yourself you need to feed… 4. Eat like kings
People are the opposite of baked potatoes– If you keep poking holes in their theories they will explode
There are two types of men: Those who lie to deceive and those who by lying tell you what they really believe There is one type of woman:
You’re only allowed to define yourself by what you’re against (anti-fascist, anti-Zionist, etc.) and what you’ve come after
We have religion for the heart and science for our brains but the head and the heart are afraid of each other because there’s nothing for the ne…
In my third marriage I went all in on being present in the moment When she left she said that being with me
In a nice turn of phrase Freud called the process by which… The dream work In that process, of course My wishes are fulfilled
In an online community You don’t have to commute But your sins will never be commut…
You can only e– ver explain things with that which cannot be explained
Originally a method for learning from mistakes science had been debased into a tool for sorting right from wrong