If you would remake the world In your own image Then I can only imagine You believe you’ve thought of ever…
When people give you the silent treatment have them put it in writing
I want to believe in God I believe in UFOs I don’t believe in recycling I don’t want to believe in what th…
You’ll know you’ve weathered their gaslighting if you feel dazed but not confused
Love may never win but love always ties
To paraphrase Hitchcock a marriage is only as good as its villain
Like Coke for Coca-Cola, Mr. Pibb is short for Mr. Pibb, ABD
Just as birds regurgitate to feed their young human beings have culture
If we’re being scientific, then The more certain you are that quan… The less certain you become as to… i.e., It works like a charm And if we’re being honest, when
Not one of us Has all the answers But we all Have all the answers Because there is only
It was only after The social media firestorm Had burned our civilization down That we rose from the ashes Like a phoenix
Civilization began When the sons killed the father And substituted the name-of-the-fa… Civilization is ending Now that we’ve killed off the name…
If you’re looking for answers life is a wild goose chase If you’re looking for the next que… life is a never-ending scavenger h…
I brought a wife To a gun fight Don’t worry You haven’t met my wife
When I risk loss for those who are lost only then shall we both be found