If you want to predict the future determine what is most taken for g… and imagine a world without it I predict a future where words will be replaced
When they told me I was one of many I took them to mean I was the one
My utopia is a dystopia where I get to say I told you so
We’ve got enough to go on That there’s enough for everybody So long as we are tough enough But we couldn’t leave well enough… And soon enough
100% of success is showing up on time
The kingdom of heaven is like two otherwise mediocre individuals making a great couple
What is the internet? It’s not a thing in space and time It’s a nothing in timeless cybersp… You could represent it with– “The symbol zero denoting the abse…
Contemporary pacifism attempts to… One full fathom deep But repression is just short for The return of the repressed So, you can tell a modern pacifist…
How do I love me? Let me count t… I love me to the depths of my stom… and when in line in front of a lum… I’ll take the last fried rice in t… I love me to the level of Wall St…
What would my life be like If I stopped worrying And trusted God completely? Instead of preparing for the worst And hoping for the best
Insanity is also seeing people do the same thing over and over again and expecting them to let you cons…
No one was more surprised than the… when we cracked open his shell and… the inside covered in mirrors
Everybody knows That everybody hates group project… But everybody is a group project Which is why everybody hates thems… Unless the group wisdom
At this late juncture All eating is competitive eating But in the world to come All competition will be An excuse for a feast
I want to believe in God I believe in UFOs I don’t believe in recycling I don’t want to believe in what th…