My brain hurts from thinking all the thunks that I have thought or is it from the thoughts of thin… now it hurts more than it ought
It’s time I must go I’ll make this one quick Just flip the page If this one doesn’t stick
If you mixed a alligator An otter and elephant You would think it bring absolute… To all the places that it went But I was wrong, so listen carefu…
Make a cake Don’t make a sigh Make a friend Don’t make a lie Make a plan
My brother and I Once made a bet A stake of five dollars We had set We both agreed
On a bench in the park sat a man dressed in grey feeding the seagulls that flew in from the bay he wished he could glide
When you look at the world flat You see nothing but squares It all looks the same Lines all put in pairs Faces look straight
The itsy bisty spider Came out the water spout Chased away my dog And drove my neighbors out I’ve stayed in this tree
Hello is this Houston It’s the man on the moon Yah life up heres great And theirs plenty of room I’ve found no life
I asked jane if I could kiss her But she said she suffered from a t… I asked Brooke out lots But her stomachs always in knots And with Claire I’ve always tried
No I won’t allow you To write about me It’s a waste of time A waste of a tree I don’t care if I’m imagined
I set a net to catch the thief That ate my food at night Since every morning I wake up To find no food in sight When the trap went off
The ruler sat upon his thrown His thrown of sand to all was know… His castle was feared far and wide As the strongest fortress near ocean side
She comes out of the ocean at nigh… To fold my clothes and clean my be… She like to pick up after me And make sure I’m always fed Slippery floors is the only price
Skinny Sarah would eat and eat But all the weight just went to he… They got so big she could only fin… Driving poles in at the farm She’d pick em up and drive em in