Updating Nietzsche with a nod to Vince Lombardi Art isn’t the proper task of life; it’s the only task of life if life…
A movement can only cohere around a shared wish and the left sticks together by collectively wishing that Jews deserve what they get
God took the risk of betting on us Because He made us to embrace ris… God is betting that we pass our on… What are you willing to risk your… a. Everything
Jews will tell you Right up front That they believe They are the chosen people WASPs believe that they believe
Like a fine wine liberalism only rises to the subli… with a good pairing
Because I was both my private and public self I was neither and my trail went cold from there But now that there are neither
“A voice called out in the wildern… Clearing the way of the Lord Straightening a road in the desert For our God” Listen closely–
People will only tell the truth when they think they can get away with it For example, perjury laws only wor… by publicly threatening jail time
I don’t have any delusions of grandeur; I have delusions of posthumous grandeur that would retroactively nullify
It took the spies of Five Eyes to tell that Putin wasn’t bluffin’ But just ask the staff at Five Gu… and they’ll tell you Trump’s MacG… He longs for Daddy’s approval
Questions are the an– swer to everything; now, how can I assist you
It’s only once you realize There’s no such thing As your own success That you avoid becoming A victim of your own success
In true democracy Authority flows via The will of the people In our technocracy Authority grows via
My soul is the sole part of me My body makes me one of us My mind is made up Of body and soul– So, just like you, I am
Forgetting that God has promised To never repeat the Flood We’ve busied ourselves opening the… Expecting to end it all As we flood the planes