When I started telling my employe… Apologies in advance! they still felt compelled by decor… No apologies needed which was how I ended exploitation
But surely, you’ve noticed by now That all progress is incremental Across increments of time Because all progress is time-bound And the unfolding of time
My mistake was Worrying they would throw me to th… Which is how wolves in sheep’s clo… Herd sheep I only escaped when I learned
If you want to know what the quarantine was like for me walk a mile in my new leather sweatpants
The question isn’t: Why is there something rather than nothing? It’s: Why does it mean something
If you can control the future through predictive policing– what the Department of Justice describes as “taking data from disparate sources, analyzing them and then using the results to ...
Human cloning only started to take… Once it became clear that The original becomes a copy of the…
I thought the Protestant work eth… I saw all the lazy rivers in peopl… until I noticed they were each swi… against the current
Of late, being good materialists we put space first calling this universe spacetime Yet, at the speed of light it’s not space collapsing
It was only after The social media firestorm Had burned our civilization down That we rose from the ashes Like a phoenix
If it’s not anticlimactic it wasn’t worth all the effort
The opposite of a gun to my head Is a claim on my heart And, claim on my heart I’d say The truth will get you
One of the clearest differences be… Is that all of God’s rules Are written down in the Torah While the devil strictly relies on… This is because
The Fed has one lever to pull– interest rates– to keep all of us consuming
Materialism is no way out of Cartesian dualism It just turns backwards– I am, therefore I think– in an infinite regress