Generation X Marks the Spot Where a hex Is an aught But a flex
It never snows anymore in Baltimore but it did before you left open the refrigerator doo…
All behavior is purposeful and all behavior is self-serving until you realize that all behavior is self-serving which is when you find out what ha…
I always wondered why there are several teen archetypes on offer in The Breakfast Club– each with their own exquisite agon… but also the promise of redemption…
I dream in color but my interpretations are in black and white
Paradoxically To approach perfection You need to make Really big mistakes Ironically
The older that I get, the more wanton lust looks like wanting for love
At the very beginning of the Tora… Just after enabling the light God separated the waters of the de… And of the heavens (rendered into… With the land
In a real life version of the ugly duckling discovering h… I was the reject popsicle stick who at long last found out I was a handy tongue depressor
My whole life, I thought I’d done… Duly deputized by the law of the l… As enforced by the superego, for w… But due to unforeseen circumstance… When instead of always being due f…
There are no atheists in foxholes; the world is a foxhole
It was only after we debuted our sugar coated raisins to fight back against Craisins that I realized you could win hearts and minds
In all my dreams of flying my life has come
If I’ve said it once they’ve liked it a thousand times
We’ll know we’ve seen the Enlight… When we don’t know who we are From one moment to the next Because, where once The One thing we wanted