It was an open secret that on his day off Sisyphus liked to go downhill skii…
Many people think of life as a gift but to me it’s more like
Mid-life is when you realize you’re in a clown car The end of life is about accepting that of all the clowns
You’ll know you’re talking to God When He doesn’t talk back Yet you still have your answer
It was only after we debuted our sugar coated raisins to fight back against Craisins that I realized you could win hearts and minds
The first half of life: If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it The second half of life: If you can’t fix it
No one seems to see (least of all me) that being all you can be isn’t about clutching superiority– it’s for abjuring mediocrity
Breathe in not out
Just as the yin-yang symbol portrays both dominant sections with a small portion of the opposi… lack sows an abundance of desire and abundance lacks lack
When the devil seduces a people pl… He always begins by saying Make yourself comfortable Because he knows That in order to make themselves c…
Social media submission guidelines… Submissions mustn’t be original wo… Submissions must be exclusive but the exclusion must be implicit… Submissions are always already ove…
God already knows Where this is all going But it’s up to all of us How we get there
I’m not afraid of being alone and I’m not afraid of dying but I am afraid of dying alone
In the west Since we can’t control time We just buy more time An approach used elsewhere With equally mixed results
Whistler’s mother had just spent a long day with Whis– tler’s mother-in-law