People are like whales who have gotten sick of plankton
Liberalism can be confused with ni… where you have to believe in nothi… or with Unitarian Universalism where you’re encouraged to believe… as much of everything as you like
I remember saying to myself Okay, this is it the moment of truths
God’s not buying it Until you own it– Are we clear?
Faith can only move mountains by ignoring mountains of evidence Like most people who’ve lost their… I’ve retained my ability to ignore mountains of evidence
The screen you’re looking at seven hours a day is actually a magnifying glass
Some people are orchids Some people are dandelions Some people like the ugly duckling are orchids who think they’re dand…
What do you call a wolf in sheep’s clothing who believes you are what you wear? The ruling class
You can only make a difference in the face of indifference
I always hoped My life would be Fortuitous So, I lived in fear Now I pray
Whenever an authority figure says It’s my way or the highway I end up wanting to have it both w…
Much like nuclear weapons the whole point of having vacation days is never to use them
It was when Socrates ate the frui… that he added this second line of… I know that my wife knows everythi…
Well at least he died doing something he felt he had no choice about
Read between the lines: We are behind enemy lines