A haiku
You can’t take both forks in the road but you can overpack
Home is where you go and you have to take their shit-eating grin
The epic poem for this epoch will have to say the most with the least
The Fed has one lever to pull– interest rates– to keep all of us consuming
My self-care plan includes a cheat day when I get to go to church
You need to follow the rules all t… so that you’re following the rules… At the same time, you need to know exactly when to break the rules But there can’t be a rule for brea…
Just because life is good doesn’t mean it isn’t also too much of a good thing
Life’s unhappiest surprises always come from those you’ve known forever without ever knowing the score but now you will
We used to wonder What will they think of next? Having lost our capacity for wonde… We insist Now they’ve thought of everything
I want what you want so I want a cow
The only colleges left standing will be the ones that can make you look smart while you’re playing dumb
I may look like a tall glass of water but be– ware, I’m half empty
It’s because certain questions will get you killed that certain other questions are also answers
You can only make a difference in the face of indifference
Nation-states are for the embodied Bodies are for souls Souls need everything in moderatio… Cyberspace is for cyborgs Cyborgs are for real