I used to pretend that Kafka’s The Trial was my favorite book but these days I bring a courtroom stenographer with me
We talk about current times But time is a current That gives us our power We hate death Seeing it as the loss of all power
The pleasure of a new discovery is only exceeded by the satisfaction of making a recommendation
When they closed all the beaches my dad said not to worry and I just knew he’d install the swimming pool I’d always wante… Instead, I came home from school
Growing up was hard enough when we just had cliques not today’s clicks upon cliques
I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right not to mean it
When I sallied forth to share my… just one voice in the wild multipl… They told me to go fly a kite; it seemed that’s just life in the… Then I recalled as it began to ta…
You can’t burn a bridge when they’ve already dismantled th… to keep you out but you can burn an eternal flame to mark the location
It is only when you conduct a fearless moral inventory that you will come to fear God because you knew the right thing t… but did the wrong thing anyway
The ego (that’s you) is a symptom of lack (that’s nothing)
In banishing fear of the unknown By knowing it all Our risk is only greater Because now It’s the devil you know
The distant past– Strong enough for a man, pH balan… The recent past– Strong enough for a woman The present–
I have a tendency to overreact When people tell me to get lost By taking them literally and serio… Which is literally how I found Go… Seriously!
Serve (one another) and Play (together)
My wife I mean my life Is a fulfillment of dreams Where I wish I were wearing pants