We have religion for the heart and science for our brains but the head and the heart are afraid of each other because there’s nothing for the ne…
You can’t make art worth dying for with what art is worth paying for
There aren’t any lines That you can’t cross– This is called free will But there are lines That you can’t uncross–
I need the guy who trains your mind so that you can walk barefoot across hot coals to come to my house
The second half of life is a second chance to give as much as I have received
Most lives are lived in service to one institution or another but only very recently has this begun to feel
Desperate to identify new funding… We gambled that a steady stream of… Would flow to those whose stream o… Forebode the worst downstream effe… So, we began livestreaming the fut…
To those who say they’ll keep working until they die I say don’t die–
A leader attracts a following The following attracts a crowd The crowd mobs the leader The leader forms a mob The mob goes mental
Nietzsche imagined eternal recurre… as the ultimate Yes to life! whereas Jews understand that life is a lot of love and work
Meatheads of the world Unite; No one else can
The male gaze sees all or nothing unless it’s blindfolded– then it sees both
Not much has changed but now I’m a glass is ten per– cent full kind of guy
I didn’t start consistently moonwa… until they required us to wear Fit… to qualify for our employee health…
Hell is having infinite wishes but using them all to wish for infinite wishes Heaven is having infinite wishes but only needing