It used to be that if you were obscure you had to be able to handle the truth and if you were famous
Why do we say Where there’s smoke, there’s fire when It’s the smoke that kills you, not…
Were I not happily married to my Jewish bride I would have happily lived out the rest of my days none the wiser
We mistake the feeling of control for the feeling of freedom when freedom actually consists of the courage to take risks Those who encourage us
In the first half of life I tried it your way and succeeded which is how I got over you In the second half of life I did it my way and failed
You can’t quite see it but Moe also pokes Curly right in his third eye
When I listen to the blues I can’t stop thinking of advice I’d give
I can never remember street names navigating strictly by landmarks taking left turns just past abandoned doughnut shops impugning me to keep my marriage
A materialist looks around at ever… It’s all an accident His friend, the believer, adds his… It was an accident waiting to happ… The materialist and the believer a…
Nobody invents themselves so we’re left to choose between perfecting or reinventing ourselve… Nobody’s perfect of course
We used to say Hold the phone Metaphorically Because we were about to say somet… Or because we needed to stop and t…
The climate change deniers missed the boat on all the ocean front property in Arizon…
Our faith will be tested And this test isn’t pass/fail; It’s life and death– Life is our test, Death is our grade,
The number one rule For doing a number on us Is taking a number Because when our number comes up It’s only ever because our days ar…
It was all systems go in my search for a new belief syst… until I realized all systems go too far