There is only one way to claim moral authority: Convincing others that they are the authority in their own life And based on exhaustive research
There is hiding yourself and there is hiding from yourself; the former is often
I always hoped My life would be Fortuitous So, I lived in fear Now I pray
If you leave well enough alone for long enough you’ll have enough to make you cry
The new Speech Code prohibits use of the phrase “Speak for yourself” due to its aggressive tone and threatening connotations
Rare earth metals aren’t actually rare They take their name from the rare earth mettle of ardor, courage, and stamina
The truth staring us in the face Is always our own reflection– Seeing ourselves backwards Providing just enough distance For us to acknowledge the truth
Life is simple; the meaning of life is complicated As a man I’m a simple creature but I’ve been married long enough… that women are complicated
In a twist in hell there are no consequences
Optimism Hope without optimism Hope against hope Unconditional surrender Noncontingent being
People think that the spork didn’t include any aspects of the… because the serrated edge of the prospective all-in-one utensil kept slicing open the focus group…
All plants and animals die But only human life is A near-death experience Immortality, then Wil be the death of man
If we rest on Shabbos Then sleep alone isn’t rest– It is To borrow a phrase from Freud The dream work
My dad was a very religious man He always told me You’ve made your bed now you’ve got to not eat in it
When I was young we always said If you’re gonna be a bear be a grizzly bear! But now everyone’s become