At the very beginning of the Torah
Just after enabling the light
God separated the waters of the deep
And of the heavens (rendered into clouds)
With the land
And every morning
Jews speak to God directly about exactly this:
Thank you,
For you establish solid ground over the waters of the deep
Jews also believe
That God recreates the land, the sea, the sky
And all the rest
In each passing moment
And since the land emerges at the beginning of the Torah
This also means
That in recreating the world in every moment
God is giving the Torah
Just as He did at Sinai
Again and again with every tick of the clock
But who needs a clock strapped to their wrist
When you can feel the pulse of time within you
And if the beating of your heart is too dim
Perhaps obscured by the brightness
On the screen of the phone attached to your face
In lieu of a watch on your wrist
Then I suggest you visit the seashore
Where every wave lapping up the shore
Would go unchecked
Recovering the land and sending us under
(Exactly as our phones do by tearing us asunder)
Were not God recreating the world
With each and every wave
Limiting their reach
So that we might reach for the Torah
Extended to us every moment of our lives
Inviting us to open its pages, then
Read ‘em and weep tears of joy
Because luck always runs out
But God never will