The narrative arc of the Matrix m… appears to be about man vs. machin… when really it’s about resolving man vs. woman: A man must learn
My house built in the 1920s still has a TV antenna like a tattoo you got in early mid… with which you’ve come to have
Soft totalitarianism is like shoes That are just tight enough To remain comfortable If you don’t go anywhere
Scarcity isn’t a lack of abundance– it results from overabundance which enables hoarding
Nobody grows up wanting to be a mot– ivational speaker
The free food programs during the pandemic were great So, to compensate people began to ration love
You’ll know the movement for justice has ceased when everyone and everything comes to a standstill
The only colleges left standing will be the ones that can make you look smart while you’re playing dumb
When women need a break from the m… they must be able to endure a whole lot of his navel gazing
AI didn’t write this poem; it wrote the algorithm that decided whether or not you would read it
The realist doesn’t look at clouds… that describes the escapist The realist looks at clouds and se… from her childhood
It’s not that we are past The point of no return But that we the people Have invested our life savings In scorn for our neighbor
God’s door is always open Because God’s door is Our open wounds
I try to win but I don’t play to win; I play to play
My wife wears her heart on her sle… Yet remains a total mystery– How can she be so sure? I’m sure I don’t know But sure enough