Freedom looks like Total autonomy When really, it’s The deepest connection
We’ve gone from treating people as a means to an end to using them as props for pretend
I respond to A nail in my tire Like it’s the last nail In my coffin
The cover-up is always worse when there’s no crime
I thought I was choosing between Life and death When really, I was choosing betwe… First and last place So, when I thought I chose life
When the shit hits the fan at least I know I won’t be wearing flip-flops
By preserving crucial memories Your amygdala prepares for the fut… Through understanding the past By digging strategic memory holes The internet controls the present
If you’ve been put in an impossibl… Consider the possibility that you Have been asked to do the impossib… And that a good leader Would never ask you to do
We expect a fiduciary relationship with our financial advisors and all they do is help handle the money Yet we so often fail
Some people have baggage; I come with furniture Fortunately, my wife enjoys rearranging
Let good intentions be my sword and naivete my shield
Heads I bite my tongue Tails You cut it off
The opposite of modest isn’t immodest, it’s honest The opposite of immodest is confident
My dad was a very religious man He always told me You’ve made your bed now you’ve got to not eat in it
You can only e– ver explain things with that which cannot be explained