There is no theory of quantum grav… Because– Einstein notwithstanding– No one understands gravity There is no theory of God
In the New Age everybody knows that everything happens for a reason but nobody knows the reason so, everybody pastes together
I have not loved my neighbor as my… but I have consistently greeted hi… with an insouciant bonhomie
Living during COVID-19 Was like trying to eat A bag of individually wrapped M&M…
The biggest stumbling block in bel… that God is in control is further accepting that He put us in charge
The cogito may be airtight but its reverse– I am, therefore I think– is less certain
People don’t like surprises so I tell them they’re in for a real surprise which gives them something to look…
The kingdom of heaven is like a tr… where gentlemen may remove their h… while all others must
Each question on the purity test concludes with the following promp… Which two answers are correct? And you always have the same four choices:
The only way to know you’re not paranoid is to stay connected at all times so you can rest assured
Instead of a scythe the mirthful reaper carried balloo… and we just floated away
As a child Whenever I played Ms. Pac Man On my Atari 2600 I dialed the settings down From four ghosts to one
If Star Wars is actually told From R2-D2’s perspective Then our only hope Is that God lets us go on believi… We are more powerful
Male materialists rarely make for marriage material because in their insistence that life’s not fair they further insist
What happens within the gray matte… has always been a gray area but as the gray scale falls from o… everything is in black and white including the technicolor dreamcoa…