I believe in God and I believe in liberalism The tension between these two beliefs
We all know death is coming and yet it remains a surprise ending
In my culture low hanging fruit is considered a delicacy
Many con artists have a moral awakening; even more realize that the only compassionate thing to do is continue the con
It’s all over but for the shouting and this is the shouting
No one can describe exactly What it was like When God spoke directly to all 2… At Mt. Sinai Because it was the only time
I went to a personal branding work… only to find that my most marketab… leveraging value from a lack of or… lends itself more to generics
Evil is cruelty plus pleasure
Everybody impersonates who they used to be but only some are impostors
Seeing as no good deed goes unpuni… Everyone else turned the job offer… And went back to waiting on their… Only the Jews understood that In the real world
The world to come is like a signature look that’s always a new look
Caught between a rock and a hard p… we will sink or swim: Sink like a rock or swim in a hard place– the opposite of walking on water–
We never know what’s in the offing Which is why we’re always on Except on Shabbos When we’re off And then it’s off to the races aga…
Zionism is the hill I will die on To be buried in the ground From which the world to come Is about to burst forth
If a tree falls in the forest and your husband is there does it make a sound