I’m getting much better at recognizing my wife’s subtle hi… like when she recently put mosquit… over her side of the bed
Many people think of life as a gift but to me it’s more like
The biggest stumbling block in bel… that God is in control is further accepting that He put us in charge
In showing us what darkness looks… fog is equal and opposite to stars lighting up the night sky
Everybody knows that the media is a weapon of mass distraction Social media takes the next logica… as a weapon of mass refraction that distorts our vision beyond re…
Time is money But time stops at the speed of lig… Which means the buck stops, too Making enlightenment the act of ta… For how you’ve spent your time
We all need to belong somewhere So, we formed online communities And found ourselves belonging nowh… Where once A multitude of One
Six days of innovation One day of relaxation I guarantee: Creation!
If I could put Just one thing In a time capsule It would be A crystal ball
Unsatisfied with the miracle of li… Peaceful transfer of power in serv… The peace movement plans to establ… A mostly peaceful monopoly on powe…
The opposite of failure Isn’t success It’s epic failure
Rule #1- Where God says no, the devil says… And where the devil says no, God… Rule #2- If everybody knows the answers ahe…
Known knowns: Who I think you think I am Known unknowns: Who you think I am Unknown unknowns:
Human beings have always been figh… with one hand tied behind our back… Unconscious human intelligence ena… to act without thinking and conscious human intelligence a…
As human beings Every last one of us Is trying to get away with somethi… So, give thanks to God– He will never let us get away