Chris Gaither

No One Is Alone Because We’re All in a Relationship; Loneliness Comes from Avoiding That Relationship

All relationships but one
Are located on a continuum
From one pole of complete trust
To the opposite pole of total fear
The exception that proves the rule
Comes when we trust God completely–
Which we call the fear of God–
While finding that we have nothing to fear
In any of our other relationships
Because when we fear God
And trust him completely
All of our relationships are subsumed into one
And while we are still obligated to defend ourselves
We can rest assured that there will come a day
When the defense rests
And the verdict is delivered:
Our long mistrial is over
And the jury is now of one accord–
We are all guilty of fearing death
And thereby fearing one another
Instead of fearing God
In His mercy
God came up with a creative sentence
That will be completed when we too are one
So, welcome to jury duty–
There’s no way of avoiding it

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