And then it hit me: My lone flaw is not admitt– ing to any flaws
After years of therapy the stump came to see that there was an I, two even, in the giving tree
Nothing is more anathema to our ti… than a phrase that was still secon… just five minutes ago: May the best man win To understand everything we’ve los…
What if I could just do no wrong Then surely, I’d still get to bel… Perforce, I did nothing And found myself bluffing Whenever I needed to be strong
Imagine what the mannequins say to… as they go their separate ways fro… as each ships out from the factory A religious mannequin says: There, but for the grace of God,…
When anything you think Can and will be used against you The purpose of state-funded educat… Will be learning not to think As the doyens of higher learning
You wanted them all to yourself because they didn’t want anything to do with you and this is the sound of
Charles Horton Cooley said “I am not what I think I am and I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am” Before the like button
Like Jacob If you wrestle with the divine Through the darkest hours You will get hurt and limp away Which we call experiencing loss
Everybody wants to rule the world And along come the Jews Claiming that God rules the world But nobody wants God to rule the… Because everybody wants to rule th…
One thing I’ve learned is The good times Weren’t as good As I imagined them to be In fear of the bad times
When a woman chooses her mate His first real test Is whether he accepts her dare To propose If he does, we already know her an…
If we insist It’s not a competition It becomes A war If we admit
Over the course of life I’ve never managed to finish anyth… but for always completing my course of antibiotics
Imagine the disappointment when we… both wearing Velcro singlets but each fashioned from the softer… with nary a hook between us